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subs and strange bodily symptoms


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i have noticed some very strange bodily symptoms from subs, i will list the ones i remember.

eyes going cross eyed and having to focus to line my vision back up.

legs and arms feeling really heavy, like jelly.

lips cramping up so that i couldnt chew properly or keep my mouth shut.

fingers cramping up so when i tried to move them i could only barely.

thats about all i remember.

im not sure if there was a thread on this already, i tried searching but not much came up.

does anyone know why this happens? is there a chemical in subs which makes it happen? is it harmful at all, from what i cann tell after the trip it goes away. its so weird though.

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^^This thread and the link in one of the other posts in that thread talks about those and other symptoms...there is some heavy body load after a sub trip, particularly at large dose's it becomes almost paralyzing...but like I said in the other thread when it goes away there is a revitalisation and a renewed vigor...strange stuff indeed...not noticed with cubes either.


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maybe get some magnesium supplement and have some before munging.

It helps with muscle release.

Or it could just be that you were tripping lol

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can definitley relate to going cross eyed. generally on higher doses. also on D M T ...my partner said my eyes have gone completely hay wire before, with them moving around in circles and stuff completley independent from each other. very weird.

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do you find that these syptoms are consistent with most or all of your trips? what about relating to certain spots the mushies are found in

or did these symptoms only show up in a certain/single trip?

you might want to look up how to extract the psilocybin/psilocin for a purer and cleaner mushroom experience

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thanks for that link hunab, i wonder why this happens

Can you give a little more info?

What dosage was taken?

Were any other substances consumed as well? (Ie, Alc, SSRI'S, MAOI's or any other Prescription or street Drugs?)

What if any foods were eaten prior to ingestion of the Subs?

i dont have any scales so i was just measuring by per mushroom. the first time i ate 20 mushrooms and then the second time i ate 45.

no other substances

the first time i ate a small bowl of singapore noodles around 6 hours beforehand, and the second time just pieces of fruit here and there leading up to ingestion

do you find that these syptoms are consistent with most or all of your trips? what about relating to certain spots the mushies are found in

or did these symptoms only show up in a certain/single trip?

you might want to look up how to extract the psilocybin/psilocin for a purer and cleaner mushroom experience

these symptoms always showed up in the higher dosages, although this was only one 'batch' of mushrooms. the mushrooms were all picked in the same general area but some were found in different environments. unfortunately cant distinguish which ones were which.

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http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...t=0&start=0 <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Thanks for posting that thread Alkatrope...seems woodlovers do in fact cause this leg and body cramping syndrome....but still no one seems to know exactly why or what is doing it...very strange phenomenon ...I'd like to someday work out what the cause of it is...and I concur with others in that thread that cubes do not give any of those symptoms...can you imagine how bad my legs and body where when I hit that large dose recently...I swear I thought I was paralyzed....but what is even weirder is the great feeling 2 days later...the mysteries of mushrooms... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_shroomer.gif continue.


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yeah thanks for that link alkatrope, basically answered what i wanted to know

these all with whole mushrooms or tea as well?

t s t .

the first time was with whole dried mushrooms and the second time was ground dried mushrooms in lemon juice

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Recently I read some research that a man took a high dose of P.Sub's - fracturing reality type dose... coupled with alcohol... upon awakening the day after the trip he was decidedly bent to the left... as in his whole body was leaning to one side - not unlike paralisis. Also bodily fx have always been stronger for this person on p.subs than any other psilo. P.Cubes have always been much 'lighter' and on the high side whereas P.Subs connect with the land/body... so say the research anyhow.

I wonder what else is in those P.Subs that causes this.

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I have heard through friends of friends (on multiple occasions) of experiencing whole body puffiness. Possibly oedema, but visually there was very distinct puffy fingers, arms, legs and even face.

The symptoms were concurrent with increased thirst and minimal urination which lasted from 1 hours into the trip to about 5 hours later. I am unsure of the dose.

There may have been a water/electrolyte balance interaction? Anyone else experienced this?

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symptoms come after the trip...so your theory/point of the trip giving you directions is somewhat moot....mind you some get the symptoms late in the trip usually towards the end...I think there is another alkaloid at play in P. Subaeuringosa..or possibly some form of mild toxicity is occurring.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that not being able to breathe properly, on large doses is about the most disconcerting symptom.

Baeocystin or something, isn't it?

Im nearly positive that the body load is categorically different from subs off pine needles, compared to woodchips..

has anyone else compared?

Edited by G*P
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  • 1 year later...

I experienced this paralysis last night, and am extremely grateful I remember reading about it long before I ever tried fungus. Pretty sure it was a high dose (no scales) but only because Lucy was had the night before and I thought the cross tolerance would equal out(ish) the high dose. In any case, it was very hard to keep my eyes open, and bit of difficulty breathing, very uncoordinated, and most obviously the pronounced paralysis. My right thumb is normally weaker than normal due to previous spinal cord injury also affecting a tiny part of cervical (neck) spinal cord, but last night it - and my whole right arm - was a LOT weaker than the left. Was a bit worried at first thinking I'd accidentally smoked solvent and damaged part of my brain, but after getting off the couch and laying down in bed for a bit it seemed to right itself. Come morning and I'm mostly back to normal with a little bit of muscle fatigue. I normally eat and drink during voyages so I'd be surprised if hypoglycaemia/natraemia had anything to do with it. In my case at least it seems like serotonergic activity - as T said - might be the likely culprit.

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Was a bit worried at first thinking I'd accidentally smoked solvent and damaged part of my brain, but after getting off the couch and laying down in bed for a bit it seemed to right itself.


Wtf Smoking Solvent? whatcha mean by that yeah i know i sound like a lame cunt but dont leave me hangin please.. i dont wanna make a silly mistake like that i abused paint for 3 years before i realised What id done.

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Stamets suggests in Growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms that eucalyptus should not be used as a substrate to grow edible mushrooms as the produce can make people sick for some unknown reason.

As most subs grow naturally on eucalytus in the wild I wonder if this is a clue to the problems.

If they could be cultivated on an alternative non aromatic substrate I wonder if they would still produce the symptoms.

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@mutant; I don't think I should've dosed the third time, and I definitely shouldn't have guessed weight when I'm very inexperienced with fungus. It was beautiful until just after the third was taken, and no nausea the whole way through

@magicdirt; that's interesting!

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  • 1 month later...
Stamets suggests in Growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms that eucalyptus should not be used as a substrate to grow edible mushrooms as the produce can make people sick for some unknown reason.


I thought he said this cos hes in a zone without much eucalyptus so there are too many unknowns?

His books are helpful, but i wish an aussie would write one, providing advice on woods for edibles.

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