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The Corroboree

Teotzlcoatl's Junk

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My request in this in this thread is that my post count be reduced back to 0.

These are all MY cacti and MY pics!

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Ariocarpus fissuratus, 7-8 years old


Astrophytum asterias


Astrophytum hybrid


Coryphantha elephantidens


Lophophora diffusa





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Cactus Soil-

Sifted and Washed Coarse Sand

Coarse Pumice

Coarse Perlite

Rich Dark Soil

Organic Cactus Fertilizer

For Trichocereus-

Sifted and Washed Coarse Sand ~ 15%

Coarse Pumice ~ 15%

Coarse Perlite ~ 15%

Rich Dark Soil ~ 50%

Organic Cactus Fertilizer ~ 15%

For “Peyotes”-

Sifted and Washed Coarse Sand ~ 15%

Coarse Pumice ~ 15%

Coarse Perlite ~ 20%

Rich Dark Soil ~ 45%

Organic Cactus Fertilizer ~ 5%

(Amounts vary depending on species, try to create a soil make-up that mimics a specimens natural habitat.)

Organic Cactus Fertilizer-

Wood Ashes

Composted Leafs

Horse, Goat, Cow or Sheep Manure

Gypsum (small amounts)

Composted Tea and Coffee


Ground Hoof and Horn (small amounts)


Earthworm Castings

Bat Guano

Lake or River Silt

Crushed Quartz

Egg Shells

Fish meal (small amounts)

Seaweed meal

Crushed Shells

Crushed Limestone (small amounts)

Cactus Clippings- skin, spines, etc.

Coco Coir

Live Worms

Instructions- Allow all the material to decompose for at least 3 months. Then bake.

Notes- Study what trace elements and minerals exist in each species habitats and add them accordingly.

List of Minerals and Trace Elements to add to Each Species-

Aztekium and Turbinicarpus need gypsum.

Cactus Tools-

Thick Leather Gloves

Medium sized Saw


Razor Blades(For Removing rot, grafting, etc.)

Sifter (For Washing and Sifting Sand)

Spoon or Small Shovel

Small Brush(For transferring Pollen)

Rooting Cacti-


Place the cuttings upright in dry soil until they put out roots, then began watering as normal.


Lophophora has been known to root well in Coco-coir.

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Tobacco Cultivation-

Before planting prepare the field- Till the field, add manure, sand and compost.

Burn a fire on the field a week or two before planting.

Build rows (or mounds) 1ft heigh and 3 feet apart.

1st - 10th day ~ When the seedling arrive place 3 seedlings into large pots and the other 9 into the field. Dig 9 holes in the field and fill each with some sand at the bottom and some good black soil. Surround the seedlings with straw.

10th - 20th days ~ Mist the plants, keep them pest free and watered, but not soaked.

20th - 30th days ~ Add wood ash around the plants.

30th - 40th days ~ Add organic fertilizers like- Manure, compost, etc.

40th - 50th days ~ Check the plant for pests and other problems.

50th - 60th days ~ Top the developing flower heads as soon as the are present and begin suckerin’.

60th - 70th days ~ Remove any straw or debris from around the base of the stalks, spray the leafs and stalks with water in order to clean them.

70th - 80th days ~ Add honey and milk. Reduce water. irrigate the plants with milk and honey (or other sugars. Continue spraying the plants to remove dirt, but try to reduce water intake.

90th + days ~ Harvest each leaf as it turns yellow. Greatly reduce water intake. Give the plant huge amounts of sugars, fats, fruit juices and anything else you can think of that will make it taste good! Allow at least a few days of dry weather before harvesting, make sure the forecast for the week of harvest is sunny, hot and dry for proper fermentation.

Curing Tobacco-

After a few days of dry weather, on the 7th hour of the morning, harvest the leafs beginning at the bottom of the stalk and moving up as they begin to yellow. There should be 3 -7 “pulls” or harvests of leafs. Each harvested “pull” is lay down in the grass of the field to ferment for 7-13 hours. The lowest leafs (“sand-lugs”) can be discarded if they are dirty or damaged.

That evening the leafs are removed from the field and placed into the hardwood rack for 33 -77 hours of fermentation.

After each “pull” completes its initial fermentation it is “Hand-tied” and hung.

When the final “pull” of leafs is harvested, it is not fermented in the field. Untie all the leafs from previous “pulls” and place them in the hardwood rack for the final 77 hour fermentation.

Once all the leafs have been fermented “Hand-tie” the leafs and air-cure them for 7 weeks. Complete the drying of leafs too small to “Hand-tie” by sun-curing for a few days, then returning them to the hardwood rack.

When the initial air-curing is complete leafs are lightly steamed and then washed in cool water. Leafs are then moved next to a small hardwood fire to be smoke-cured for 13 - 33 hours.

When the smoke curing process is complete hang the leafs up to air-cure for 7 more weeks.

After the final air-curing, untie the leafs and remove the central vein from all the leafs. Roll every 7 leaf halves into a tight bundle.

Place half the bundles into wood-press with freshly chopped vanilla beans, pitted dates, the small tobacco leafs and flowers. Age the tobacco under pressure for 7 months, opening and mixing the tobacco every 33 days.

The other half is aged for 7 months in a cedar box.

Finally, the pressure is removed, the pieces of dates and vanillas beans are removed, the tobacco from pressure-curing and the tobacco in the cedar box are both cut into long strings and blended.

The cured tobacco is kept in the cedar box in the fridge for 7 months of ageing. It is then rolled into cigarettes.

Flower Harvest and Small Leaf Curing-

Allow the 3 plants in pots to flowers (One of each strain) Preform suckerin’ as normal.

Collect flowers as they wilt.

Dry the flowers in a small pile in a dark room for 7 days.

Place the flowers and the small tobacco leafs in pressure-curer.

Notes- Wear gloves and a mask during the entire process.

Tools and other things I’ll need- River rocks to act as weights so the tobacco does not blow away on windy days.

Hardwood (Cedar poles 4-6ft long)

A rough box to contain the poles.

Screws in the ceiling, some place to hang the tobacco for air-curing, maybe the barn on the land.

A large, sturdy, unfinished hardwood box and a screw-press for pressure-curing.

A rack to hold the tobacco next to the fire.

Natural twine or string. Thin but not too thin.

I’ll need a knife!

Suckerin’- Suckerin' involves removing the small tender sprouts at each junction of leaf and stalk; Removing side shoots and immature leafs.

Stoneville’s Ole #77

Pressure Cured with whole Dates and Vanilla pods

A blend of Organic Ole Time Tobaccos- American Gold-Leaf, Southern Burley and Turkish.

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Essential Entheogens-

Banisteriopsis caapi ~ “Vine of the Souls” or “Ayahuasca”

Psychotria viridis ~ “” or “Ayahuasca”

Diplopterys cabrerana ~ “Oco’ Yage” or “Ayahuasca

Psilocybian Mushrooms ~ “Teonanacatl”

Ipomoea violacea ~ “Tlitliltzin”

Rivea corymbosa ~ “Ololiuqui”

Argyreia nervosa ~ “Woodrose”

Salvia Divinorum ~ "Pipilzintzintli"

Trichocereus spp. ~ “San Pedro”

Lophophora williamsii ~ “Peyote”

Tabernanthe iboga ~ “Iboga”

Heimia salicifolia and Heimia myrtifolia ~ “Sinicuichi” or “Sun-Opener”

Mimosa hostilis ~ “Jurema”

Amanita muscaria ~ “Fly Agaric”

Cannabis sativa ~ “Marijuana”

Nelumbo nucifera ~ “Scared Lotus”

Essential Psychoactives-

Passiflora incarnata ~ “Passion-Flower”

Erythroxylum spp. ~ “Coca Leaf”

Nymphaea caerulea ~ “Blue Lotus”

Papaver somniferum ~ “Opium Poppies”

Nicotiana spp. ~ “Tobacco”

Mitragyna speciosa ~ “Kratom”

Myristica fragrans ~ “Nutmeg”

Silene capensis ~ “Root of the White Ways”

Calea zacatechichi ~ “Bitter Dream Herb”

Catha edulis ~ “Khat”

Areca catechu and Piper betle ~ "Betel Nut" and “Betel Leaf”

Leonotis leonurus ~ “Wild Dagga”

Sceletium tortuosum ~ “Kanna”

Piper methysticum ~ “Kava Kava”

Essential Ethnobotanicals-

Camellia sinensis ~ “Tea”

Humulus lupulus ~ “Hops”

Theobroma cacao ~ “Cacao”or “Cocoa” or “Chocolate”

Ilex Paraguariensis ~ “Yerba Mate”

Ephedra spp. ~ “Ma Huang”

Lactuca virosa ~ “Wild Lettuce Opium”

Scutellaria lateriflora ~ “Skullcap”

Pausinystalia yohimbe ~ “Yohimbe”

Artemisia absinthium ~ “Wormwood”

Aspalathus linearis ~ “Rooibos”

Leonurus sibiricus ~ “Motherwort”

Canavalia maritima

Sida acuta

Zornia latifolia

Verbascum blattaria ~ "Moth Mullein"

Lobelia inflata ~ "Indian Tobacco"

Essential Medicinals-

~Polygala sibirica and Polygala tenuifolia "Taoist Memory enhancer"

Panax spp. ~ “Ginseng”

Gingko biloba ~ “Gingko”

Rholdia rosea ~ “Golden Root”

Valeriana officinalis ~ “Valerian Root”

Verbena hastate “Blue Vervain”

Osha Root

Yerbe Santa

Essential Edibles-

My Personal Specimens-

Harvestable Specimens- Are intended to be grown quickly yet potently, and harvested for use. They specimens should have quality genetics, be grown properly and should be harvested and cured correctly to ensure potency.

Lactuca virosa

Banisteriopsis caapi “cielo”

Psychotria viridis

Passiflora incarnata

Psilocybian Mushrooms*

Salvia divinorum

Argyreia Nervosa, Rivea corymbosa and/or Ipomoea violacea

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) and/or Scared Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

Potent Trichocereus spp. pachanoi; peruvianus; macrogonus

Erythroxylum novogranatense

Cannabis sativa*

Nicotiana spp. “Low nicotine, High flavor”

Mitragyna speciosa “Red vein”

Humulus lupulus (For Beer Brewing)

Camellia sinensis

Vanilla planifolia

Theobroma cacao

Ilex Paraguariensis

Ephedra spp. ~ “Ma Huang”

Piper methysticum ~ “Kava Kava”

Papaver somniferum ~ “Opium Poppies” *

Panax spp. ~ “Ginseng”

Botanical Preservation Specimens- Are grown slowly, potently and are intended to preserve the species. Harvest is optional if the plants should need to be trimmed or the like. These specimens should have the best genetics and should be keep as pristine and blemish free as possible.

Trichocereus macrogonus; peruvianus; pachanoi; bridgesii and terschecki (Purest strains possible)

Trichocereus spp. “Rare Species”- riomizquensis; huanucoensis; scopulicolus

Trichocereus spp. “Cactus of the Four-Winds” (Potent, Four-ribs, Genetically stable)

Trichocereus bridgesii var. monstrose “clustering”

Trichocereus spp. “Legendary Peruvianus” (Sky blue skin, Long red spines and Potent)

Lophophora williamsii*

Silene capensis

Calea zacatechichi

Diplopterys cabrerana

Catha edulis*

Rivea corymbosa

Tabernanthe iboga*

Quararibea funebris ~ “Cacahuaxochitl”

Psychoactive and/or medicinal Cacti-

Ariocarpus agavoides

Ariocarpus fissuratus

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus

Ariocarpus retusus

Astrophytum asterias

Astrophytum myriostigma

Aztekium ritterii

Carnegiea gigantea

Coryphantha compacta

Coryphantha elephantidens

Coryphantha macromeris

Echinocactus platyacanthus (Echinocactus visnaga)

Echinocereus salm-dyckianus (Echinocereus scheeri)

Echinocereus polyacanthus

Epithalantha micromeris

Lophophora williamsii

Lophophora diffusa

Mammillaria grahamii; micromeris; heyderi; spp.

Mammillaria (Dolichothele) longimamma

Mammillaria pectinifera (Solisia pectinata)

Mammillaria (Mamillopsis) senilis

Mammillaria sonorensis (Mammillaria craigii)

Matucana madisoniorum

Neoraimondia macrostibas

Obregonia denegrii

Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum

Pachycereus pringlei

Pelecyphora aselliformis

Strombocactus disciformis

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus (Pelecyphora pseudopectinata)

Trichocereus species

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Arguing with a woman, is like trying to blow out a light bulb.

Tell Bush, Jesus is back and he's pissed!!

A young student of Lao Tzu’s once asked-

“What is Tao?”

“Shut the fuck up”

-The old sage chuckled.

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Comprehensive list of Peyotes-

Ariocarpus agavoides

A. fissuratus

A. kotschoubeyanus

A. retusus

Armatocereus laetus

Astrophytum asterias

A. capricorne

A. myriostigma

Aztekium ritterii

Coryphantha compacta

C. elephantidens

C. macromeris

C. palmerii

C. rosea

Dolichothele longimamma

Epithalantha micromeris

Gymnocalycium spp.

Leuchtenbergia principis

Lophophora williamsii

Lophophora diffusa

Mammillaria spp.

Mammillaria craigii

M. grahamii

M. heydeii

Mamillopsis senilis

Obregonia denegrii

Pelecyphora aselliformis

P. pseudopectinata

Solisia pectinata

Strombocactus disciformis

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele

T. pseudopectinatus

Comprehensive list of Psychoactive Cacti-

Carnegiea gigantea

Echinocactus spp.

Echinocactus grandis

E. grusonii

E. visnaga

Echinocereus salm-dyckianus

E. triglochidiatus

Epiphyllum spp.

Matucana madisoniorum

Neoraimondia macrostibas

Opuntia cylindrica

O. leptocaulis

Pachycereus pecten-aboriginumP. pringlei

Selenicereus grandiflorus

Trichocereus species

Candidates for Ingestion-

Coryphantha species

Epithalantha micromeris

Mammillaria spp.

Pelecyphora aselliformis or P. pseudopectinata

Strombocactus disciformis

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele or T. pseudopectinatus

Teotzlcoatl's List of Psychoactive Cacti-

Comprehensive list of Peyotes- (Suspected)

Ariocarpus agavoides

A. fissuratus

A. kotschoubeyanus

A. retusus

Armatocereus laetus

Astrophytum asterias

A. capricorne

A. myriostigma

Aztekium ritterii

Coryphantha compacta

C. elephantidens

C. macromeris

C. palmerii

C. rosea

Dolichothele longimamma

Epithalantha micromeris

Gymnocalycium spp.

Leuchtenbergia principis

Lophophora williamsii

Lophophora diffusa

Mammillaria spp.

Mammillaria craigii

M. grahamii

M. heydeii

Mamillopsis senilis

Obregonia denegrii

Pelecyphora aselliformis

P. pseudopectinata

Solisia pectinata

Strombocactus disciformisTurbinicarpus pseudomacrochele

T. pseudopectinatus

Comprehensive list of Psychoactive Cacti- (Suspected)

Carnegiea gigantea

Echinocactus spp.

Echinocactus grandis

E. grusonii

E. visnaga

Echinocereus salm-dyckianus

E. triglochidiatus

Epiphyllum spp.

Matucana madisoniorum

Neoraimondia macrostibas

Opuntia cylindrica

O. leptocaulis

Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum

P. pringlei

Selenicereus grandiflorus

Trichocereus species

M. S. Smith's List-

Supported Tarahumara revered cacti (hikuri):

Ariocarpus fissuratus

Coryphantha compacta (C. palmeri)

Echinocereus salm-dyckianus (E. scheeri?)

Echinocereus polyacanthus (replacing E. triglochidiatus which appears to be out of Tarahumara range – E. polyacanthus grows throughout Tarahumara territory and was once called E. triglochidiatus - currently recognized T. triglochidiatus is known from Colorado through New Mexico and into the more northerly sections of Mexico)

Epithalantha micromeris

Hikuri cimarron (Astrophytum myriostigma?)

Lophophora williamsii

Mammillaria sonorensis (M. craigii)

Mammillaria grahamii

Mammillaria heyderi (M. heyderi v. gummifera, M. gummifera)

Mammillaria (Mamillopsis) senilis (feared)

Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum

Pachycereus pringlei (revered by Seri indians - by Tarahumara?)

Supported Huichol revered cacti (hikuri):

Ariocarpus retusus (the only true “false peyote” and feared)

Echinocactus platyacanthus (E. visnaga)

Lophophora williamsii

Plants that are rumored to be considered “peyote” or "false peyote" but which lack support as having any traditional used among aboriginal tribes:

Ariocarpus agavoides

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus

Ariocarpus retusus ssp. Trigonus

Ariocarpus scapharostrus

Astrophytum asterias

Astrophytum capricorne

Aztekium ritterii

Coryphantha macromeris

Coryphantha macromeris ssp. runyonii

Lophophora diffusa

Mammillaria longimamma (Dolichothele longimamma)

Mammillaria pectinifera (Solista pectinata)

Obregonia denegrii

Pelecyphora aselliformis

Strombocactus disciformis

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus (Pelecyphora pseudopectinata)

I'd to grow the most promising species-


Ariocarpus agavoides

Ariocarpus fissuratus

Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus

Astrophytum asterias

Aztekium ritterii

Coryphantha compacta

Coryphantha macromeris

Epithalantha micromeris

Lophophora williamsii

Mammillaria sonorensis (M. craigii)

Mammillaria grahamii

Mammillaria (Mamillopsis) senilis

Mammillaria longimamma (Dolichothele longimamma)

Mammillaria pectinifera (Solista pectinata)

Obregonia denegrii

Pelecyphora aselliformis

Strombocactus disciformis

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus (Pelecyphora pseudopectinata)

Psychoactive or Medicinal Cacti-

Carnegiea gigantea

Echinocereus salm-dyckianus

Echinocereus polyacanthus

Echinocactus platyacanthus

Matucana madisoniorumNeoraimondia macrostibas

Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum

Pachycereus pringlei

Trichocereus species

Good Canadaties for Psychoactive Cacti-

Ariocarpus agavoides; fissuratus; kotschoubeyanus

Coryphantha compacta

Echinocereus salm-dyckianus; polyacanthus

Epithalantha micromeris

Mammillaria sonorensis (M. craigii); grahamii; senilis

Mammillaria longimamma(Dolichothele longimamma)

I'd also look into the following-

Pelecyphora aselliformis

Strombocactus disciformis

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus (Pelecyphora pseudopectinata)

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Within 2 weeks of and 2 weeks after-

ALL medications, vitamins and/or other drugs

Protein bars or extracts


Symptathomimetic drugs



MDMA and related chemicals

Aged Cheese- Bre’, etc.


Migraine medicines

SSRIs and any other anti-depressants

OTC cold medicines

Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine



Sedatives- Sleeping Pills, Tranquilizers, etc.


Diet pills, Appetite suppressants




Narcotics- Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, etc.

Allergy or Asthma Medication

Opiates- Opium, Valium, Oxycotton, Hydrocodone

St. Johns Wort


Any other MAO inhibitor; MAOI Anti-depressants- Sertraline (zoloft, etc.

Amoxapine (asendin)

Antihypertensives (high blood pressure medication)

Clomipramine (anafranil)

Cyclobenzaprine (flexeril)

Desipramine (pertofrane)

Doxepin (sinequan)

Fluoxetine (prozac)

Imipramine (tofranil)

Levodopa (dopar, larodopa)

Maprotiline (ludiomil)

Meperidine (demerol)

Methylphenidate (ritalin)

Nortriptyline (aventyl)

Paroxetine (paxil)

Protriptyline (vivactil)

Selegiline (eldepryl)

Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, elavil)

Trimipramine (surmontil)

Within 1 week of and 1 week after-

Same as above+

All drugs and alcohol (Including Tobacco, Cannabis, EVERYTHING)

Any tyrosine-containing food


All Beans (including soy!!!) This also includes bean products- like soy sauce, bean dip, etc. No beans!!

Broad (Fava) bean pods ( whatever that is)

Soy Sauce and Miso soup


Non-alcoholic brewed (Fermented) beverages (non-alcoholic beer); Kombucha; All other brewed drinks.

Protein bars or extracts

Aged cheese


Ginseng and/or other medicinal herbs

Make sure all food are fresh; spoiled or old food is the main cause of negative reactions.

Within 3 days of and 3 after-

Same as above+

Began Fasting

All drugs and alcohol

Kombucha, Beer and/or other fermented beverages


Dried Fruits (Raisins, Dates, etc.)





All Beans (including soy!!!) This also includes bean products- like soy sauce, bean dip, etc. No beans!!

Broad (Fava) bean pods


Cultured dairy products (buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream)

All Caffeine products (Coffee, Black or Oolong Tea, Energy Drinks, Ect.)

All Dairy products

Soy Sauce


Figs, Plums, Raspberries and Grapes



High Protein Meals

Sausage, Bologna, Pepperoni, Liver and Salami (Pork)

Sauerkraut and Mayo’

Shrimp, Lobster and Crayfish

Soups- may have high protein, Miso soup can be dangerous.

Yeast (unless baked)

Salts, Oils and Fats


Make sure all food are fresh; spoiled or old food is the main cause of negative reactions.

Within 36 hours of and 36 hours after-

Same as above+

Perform Detox

No meat or ingestion of any sort of living creature.

Absolute no candy, sugar, fats, oils, salt and/or spices.

No sex or masturbation.

Take a long bath or shower; Shave your Head, Eye-Brows and Ass; Paint yourself Blue.

Drink nothing but water.

Contemplate the experience.

33-7 hours before- Same as above + No food

3-1 hours before- Same as above + No water or other drink.

5-15m before- Prepare a snack of fresh fruit and wild or white rice with butter and oil.

Pre-roll a small joint for after the purge.

Release all bodily waste and fluids.

Shake before use.

The Trip-

Drink Aya’(over 15m) along with a small glass of water or juice.

Attempt to keep Aya’ down at least 1:00 hour.

Ingest mint and/or ginger (Anti-nausea) if desired.

Smoke cannabis (Anti-nausea) if desired.

Consume the MAOI safe food, if desired.

Run around naked and make strange noises.

Be sure to drink a glass of water or juice to re-hydrate yourself 1-3h after the purge.

Some good things to eat during the strictest periods of dieting are-

Plain white rice

Freshly caught fish (Never frozen or out-dated)

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

How to Detox-

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“The Plant Medicine Sutra” (Adapted from "Zig-zag Zen")

One cool evening as the Buddha slept in the jungle he was awaken to find himself surrounded by encroaching vines, branches, flowers and roots; The essence of the botanical world, all requesting his teaching and knowledge to illuminate their minds.

The Buddha spoke- “No, it is you, not I, who should speak. It is your voice which needs to teach humanity about the vast web of life, consciousness and awareness that is the birthright of us all. Your sap, your juices, your fibers, your voice. We ask that you transmit your knowledge through our species. Speak in way that is unmistakable, unclouded by words and language; un-obscured by the intellect we have come to value so highly. Speak to us if our interconnectedness, teach use how to rejoice in love, show us the way to our primal essence, our true nature. Teach us to respect the natural world- trees, grasses, animals, insects, rocks, winds, mists, clouds, stars, spirits, and other realms of existence. We have lost of connection with plants, with the Earth, with Tao. We carry on recklessly, unaware of the web you sustain. It is from you that I learned of the intelligence of nature. It is you who came forth and affirmed my nature when on that perilous night, I touched the Earth and called out to you. It was your wisdom and grace raining down from the spreading, unfolding branches of the bodhi tree that sustained my enlightenment; It was you, as the early morning star affirmed my nature and the nature of everything, all beings, just as they are, whole and complete, lacking nothing, soaked in compassion. I kneel before you and ask for your teachings.”

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S.S. Order


Trichocereus peruvianus/macrogonus “Special” 8" middle cut of a T. peruvianus from Matucana, Seed grown, similar to "Los Gentiles" ~ $20

Non-P.C. Trichocereus pachanoi ~ 6" cut from a medium spined plant

collected by Myron Kimnach near Cajamarca, Peru ~ $12

Trichocereus bridgesii f. monstrose ~ “Clone B” 6'’- 8'’ cutting ~ $16

Echinocereus scheeri v, huitcholensis Lau 768 ~ 3'’- 4'’ rooted cutting ~ $ 6.50

Turbinicarpus lausseri (= T. pseudomacrochele v. lausseri) ~ 1"+ plant 7-8 years old ~ $7.50

Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele ~ 1"+ plant ~ $10

Trichocereus sp. B.B.G. 64.0762, 6" cutting ~ $10


Prunus japonica “Bush Cherry” ~ 10"+ Seedling 2 years old ~ $9

(three plants) = $27


Aztekium ritteri seeds ~ seed packet $2

Strombocactus disciformis seeds ~ seed packet $2

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus seeds ~ seed packet $2

Trichocereus Hybrid Seeds-

Trichocereus pachanoi / ”Juul’s Giant” hybrid X T. peruvianus “Huancabamba”~ Seed packet $4

Trichocereus pachanoi / “Juul’s Giant” F2 hybrid ~ Seed packet $4

Trichocereus Seeds-

Trichocereus macrogonus ~ Seed packet $2.50

Trichocereus peruvianus “Los Gentiles” “Pichu” ~ Seed packet $3

Plant Seeds-

Nicotiana rustica “Kessu” ~ Seed packet $4

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Shamanic Tool-Box-

Stainless Steel Pots (For brewing)

Edible Lime (For quids or chews)

Jars, Tins, Boxes and Bags (For storage)

Rolling Papers


Rolling Machine


Scales ( .1g)

Mortar and Pestal

Shot Glass

Special Cups (For drinking ethnobotanical brews)

Metal Cigarette Case

Pure Drinkable Alcohol 95% (For extractions)

Strainers of all sorts and sizes (including cheese cloth)

Drying Rack

“Infuser” French Press and/or Tea Pot

“Pint Glasses” Beer and Wine/Spirit Glasses

Washable Heavy Duty Machine Grinder

Intent focusing objects- crystals, rocks, gems, wands, rare/powerful plants or dried botanicals, etc.

Smudging Herbs- Sage (Salvia species),

Sacred Incense- Myrrh, Frankincense, Copal, etc.

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Shamanic Tool-Box-

Stainless Steel Pots (For brewing)

Edible Lime (For quids or chews)

Jars, Tins, Boxes and Bags (For storage)

Rolling Papers


Rolling Machine


Scales ( .1g)

Mortar and Pestal

Shot Glass

Special Cups (For drinking ethnobotanical brews)

Metal Cigarette Case

Pure Drinkable Alcohol 95% (For extractions)

Strainers of all sorts and sizes (including cheese cloth)

Drying Rack

“Infuser” French Press and/or Tea Pot

“Pint Glasses” Beer and Wine/Spirit Glasses

Washable Heavy Duty Machine Grinder

Intent focusing objects- crystals, rocks, gems, wands, rare/powerful plants or dried botanicals, etc.

Smudging Herbs- Sage (Salvia species),

Sacred Incense- Myrrh, Frankincense, Copal, etc.

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Entheogen Class (Choose Seven to Thirteen to use per Year)-

Banisteriopsis caapi, Diplopterys cabrerana & Psychotria viridis ~ “Ayahuasca”

Psilocybian Mushrooms ~ “Teonanacatl”

Ipomoea violacea ~ “Tlitliltzin”, Rivea corymbosa ~ “Ololiuqui”, Argyreia nervosa ~ “Woodrose”

Salvia Divinorum ~ "Pipilzintzintli"

Trichocereus spp. ~ “San Pedro” or Lophophora williamsii ~ “Peyote”

Tabernanthe iboga ~ “Iboga”

Heimia salicifolia and Heimia myrtifolia ~ “Sinicuichi” or “Sun-Opener”

Amanita muscaria ~ “Fly Agaric”

Drug- (Once a Month)

Papaver somniferum ~ “Opium Poppies”

Silene capensis ~ “Root of the White Ways”

Calea zacatechichi ~ “Bitter Dream Herb”

Psychoactive Class (May be used Once per Week)

Passiflora incarnata ~ “Passion-Flower”

Erythroxylum spp. ~ “Coca Leaf”

Nymphaea caerulea ~ “Blue Lotus” or Nelumbo nucifera ~ “Scared Lotus”

Cannabis sativa ~ “Marijuana”

Nicotiana spp. ~ “Tobacco”

Mitragyna speciosa ~ “Kratom”

Humulus lupulus ~ “Hops”

Catha edulis ~ “Khat”

Areca catechu and Piper betle ~ "Betel Nut" and “Betel Leaf”

Leonotis leonurus ~ “Wild Dagga”

Sceletium tortuosum ~ “Kanna”

Duboisia hopwoodii ~ "Pituri"

Pedicularis densiflora ~ “Indian Warrior”

Piper methysticum ~ “Kava Kava”

Myristica fragrans ~ “Nutmeg”

Canavalia maritima

Sida acuta

Zornia latifolia

Artemisia absinthium ~ “Wormwood”

Ethnobotanical Class ( May be used as needed, for up to a month)

Camellia sinensis ~ “Tea”

Theobroma cacao ~ “Cacao”or “Cocoa” or “Chocolate”

Ilex Paraguariensis ~ “Yerba Mate”

Ephedra spp. ~ “Ma Huang”

Lactuca virosa ~ “Wild Lettuce Opium”

Scutellaria lateriflora ~ “Skullcap”

Valeriana officinalis ~ “Valerian Root”

Verbena hastate “Blue Vervain”

Pausinystalia yohimbe ~ “Yohimbe”

Panax spp. ~ “Ginseng”

Aspalathus linearis “Rooibos”

Leonurus sibiricus ~ “Motherwort”

Gingko biloba ~ “Gingko”

Rholdia rosea ~ “Golden Root”

Verbascum blattaria "Moth Mullein"

Osha Root

Yerbe Santa

Lobelia inflata ~ "Indian Tobacco"

Polygala sibirica and Polygala tenuifolia "Taoist Memory enhancer"

Notes- Three smoking sessions per week. (You can smoke how ever much you want for Three hours)


Daily Herbs- Ingest a “Healing Herbs” each morning, but don’t use the same one every morning.

Camellia sinensis ~ “Tea”

Aspalathus linearis ~ “Rooibos”

Ilex Paraguariensis ~ “Yerba Mate”

Ginkgo biloba ~ “Gingko”

Fermented Tea ~ “Kombucha”

Weekly Psychoactives- Choose a few of the following to use once of twice a week.

Beer and/or Wine ~ “Alcohol”

Cannabis sativa ~ “Marijuana”

Lactuca virosa ~ “Lettuce Opium”

Mitragyna speciosa ~ “Kratom”

Nicotiana spp. ~ “Tobacco”

Ephedra spp. ~ “Ephedra”

Erythroxylon spp. ~ “Coca Leaf”

Piper methysticum ~ “Kava Kava”

Coffea arabica ~ “Coffee”

Theobroma cacao ~ “Chocolate”

Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolia and/or Eleutherococcus senticosus ~ “Ginseng”

Valeriana officinalis ~ "Valerian Root"

Monthly Psychoactives- Choose a few of the following to use once or twice a month.

Nymphaea caerulea and/or Nelumbo nucifera ~ “Lotus”

Papaver somniferum ~ “Opium”

Pausinystalia yohimbe ~ “Yohimbe” (MAOI)

Sceletium tortuosum ~ “Kanna” (SSRI)

Silene capensis ~ “Root of the White Way”

Calea zacatechichi ~ “Dream Herb”

Rhodiola rosea ~ “Golden Root” (MAOI)

Artemisia absinthium ~ “Absinthe”

Lagochilus inebrians ~ "Turkistan Mint"

Catha edulis ~ "Khat"

Myristica fragrans ~ "Nutmeg"

Yearly Entheogens- Choose Seven of the Following to Ingest each Year.

Heimia salicifolia and/or H. myrtifolia ~ "Sinicuichi" or "Sun Opener"

Argyreia Nervosa, Ipomoea violacea, and/or Rivea corymbosa ~ “Morning Glories”

Amanita Muscaria ~ “Soma”, “Haoma” or “Mario Mushrooms”

Salvia divinorum ~ “Salvia”

Psilocybian Mushrooms ~ “‘Shrooms” or “Mushrooms”

Trichocereus species or Lophophora williamsii ~ “Cactus” and “Peyote”

B. Caapi, Psychotria species, Diplopterys cabrerana and/or Passiflora incarnata = “Ayahuasca”

Tabernatnthe Iboga ~ “Iboga Root”


Always follow an MAOI-safe diet seven days before and seven days after using any MAOI.

Never take an MAOI within 33 days of taking a SSRI, Or within 33 days of taking another MAOI.

“The Path to Moderation, Longevity and Immortality”

~ Constantly cultivate Tao, and have a connection with God.

~ Remain hopeful and happy.

~ Do not become delusional, confused or insane; Keep a clear mind.

~ Do not stray from the limitation you have set for yourself; Do not overindulge.

~Plants, Fungi, Cacti and other organics; which grow from the Earth are the only mind altering substances which should ever be taken.

~Entheogens including Ayahuasca, “‘Shrooms”-Amanita Muscaria or Psilocybian, Cacti or anything else which greatly alters the consciousness in a positive way may be used up to 7 times every 13 moons.

~Do not have any Solanaceae plants in or near your home. Cultivate only Nicotiana species. Always wear gloves when handling them.

~Do not drink alcohol in excess. Four six packs of beer or four bottles of wine a month is plenty, more is foolish. Do not drink distilled alcohol.

~Drink Black or Oolong Tea and Yerba Mate every morning. Drink white/green teas and Rooibos daily.

~When smoking always use a water pipe.

~Smoke no more than 7.0grams of a Cannabis a month, 3 ounces a year. Cannabis sativa in the mornings; Cannabis indica in the evenings.

~ Lotus, Lettuce opium, Kratom, Kanna, Cannabis, Nicotiana spp., Ephedra, Coca leaf, Kava Kava, Coffee and Yohimbe may be used once every 7 days.

~ Never mix Ephedra, caffeine, MAOIs and/or aspirin.. Use no more than 2-3g of Ephedra plant material per dose.

~ Stay away from all extracts and highly potent concoctions except with the most benign herbals.

~ Be careful with MAOIs (B. Caapi, Passiflora I. Yohimbe, etc.) and SSRIs (Kanna, etc.); Do not use them within one lunar month of one another (28 days).

~Take Ginseng, Reishi ‘Shroom, Tea, Yerba Mate, Rooibos, and Rhodiola rosea plant material or extracts, along with other vitamins daily.

~Drink Coffee or espresso once a week, no more. Do not consume any other caffeine products.

~Reduce OTC and prescription drug intake.

~Reduce Sugar intake.

~Reduce the consumption of “fast” food; pre-packaged food; junk food; and store bought products.

~Eat organic, natural, healthy, home-grown, home-cooked, foods which don’t come from a can.

~Practice meditation at least weekly. For at least 20m each time.

~Fast occasionally; for 24-72 hours each time. (Once to Thirteen times a year)

~Exercise Regularly (No less than Three times a week for 1 Hour each time)

Daily Supplenments- (Once a day)

Ginseng (Panax spp.) ~ Fresh or dried root eaten with Breakfast.

Reishi 'Shroom (Ganoderma lucidum) ~ Fresh or dried ‘shrooms eaten with Breakfast.

Rhodiola rosea ~ Fresh or dried plant material eaten with Breakfast.

Camellia sinensis ~ Black/Oolong Tea drank with Breakfast. White/Green Tea drank Daily.

Ilex Paraguariensis ~Un-oxidized plant material drank with Breakfast.

Aspalathus linearis ~ Un-oxidized plant material drank Daily.

Weekly Psychoactives- (Once every Seven days)(You may choose one to use twice per week)

Ginkgo biloba ~ Drink leaf infusion or ingest extract (Can be used more frequently if needed)

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) and/or Scared Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) ~ Smoke or steep in Wine/Hot water.

Lactuca virosa ~ Smoke dried alcohol extract or dried sap.

Mitragyna speciosa ~ Chew fresh or dried leaf with red vein removed.

Sceletium tortuosum ~ Fermented and dried leaf/flower (Do not take within a 28 days of Yohimbe or Ayahusca)

Cannabis sativa ~ Smoke dried sativa, indica, and/or hybrid buds.

Nicotiana spp. ~ Smoke cured leaf.

Ephedra sinica ~ Hot water infusion made with no more than three grams of fresh or dried plant material.

Erythroxylon coca ~ Hot water infusion of fresh or dried leaf; Or chewed fresh leaf.

Piper methysticum ~ Cold water infusion of fresh or dried smashed root.

Coffea arabica ~ Hot water infusion of roasted seeds in french press.

Pausinystalia yohimbe~ Hot water infusion or alcohol extract of bark(Do not take within a 28 days of Sceletium tortuosum or Ayahusca)

Monthly Drugs-(Once every Twenty-Eight days)

Papaver somniferum (You may smoke unaltered pod sap once per month)

Drink no more than 24 Beers/4 Bottles of Wine per month

Yearly Entheogens- (Seven times every Three hundred - Sixty- Four days)

Choose Seven of the following to use each Lunar year (13 Moons) -

Ayahuasca= Banisteriopsis caapi, Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana and Passiflora incarnata

Psilocybin Mushrooms

Salvia divinorum

Amanita Muscaria properly prepared as "Haoma"

Trichoceros species or Lophophora williamsii

Argyreia Nervosa, Turbina corymbosa and/or Ipomoea violacea

Silene capensis

Tabernanthe iboga

*Point is... You don’t need to be fucked up/trippin’ all the time.*

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Entheogenic Waiver Date:_________________

I ______________________ understand that I am going to ingest an entheogenic substance, and do so by my own free will.

I ______________________ take full responsibility for any of the effects that the entheogenic substance has on my mind or body.

I ______________________ take full responsibility for any harm I do to myself or others while on the influence of the Entheogenic substance.

I ______________________ understand that ______________________ did his/her best to prepare the Entheogenic substance and understand that the effects are variable and an experience is not 100% guaranteed.

Print Name

X ______________________ X ______________________

Sign Name

X ______________________ X ______________________

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List of Safe and Effective Botanicals-


Banisteriopsis caapi ~ “Vine of the Souls” or “Ayahuasca”

Psychotria viridis ~ “” or “Ayahuasca”

Diplopterys cabrerana ~ “Oco’ Yage” or “Ayahuasca

Psilocybian Mushrooms ~ “Teonanacatl”

Ipomoea violacea ~ “Tlitliltzin”

Rivea corymbosa ~ “Ololiuqui”

Argyreia nervosa ~ “Woodrose”

Salvia Divinorum ~ "Pipilzintzintli"

Trichocereus spp. ~ “San Pedro”

Lophophora williamsii ~ “Peyote”

Tabernanthe iboga ~ “Iboga”

Heimia salicifolia and Heimia myrtifolia ~ “Sinicuichi” or “Sun-Opener”

Mimosa hostilis ~ “Jurema”

Amanita muscaria ~ “Fly Agaric”

Cannabis sativa ~ “Marijuana”

Nelumbo nucifera ~ “Scared Lotus”


Passiflora incarnata ~ “Passion-Flower”

Erythroxylum spp. ~ “Coca Leaf”

Nymphaea caerulea ~ “Blue Lotus”

Papaver somniferum ~ “Opium Poppies”

Nicotiana spp. ~ “Tobacco”

Mitragyna speciosa ~ “Kratom”

Myristica fragrans ~ “Nutmeg”

Silene capensis ~ “Root of the White Ways”

Calea zacatechichi ~ “Bitter Dream Herb”

Catha edulis ~ “Khat”

Areca catechu and Piper betle ~ "Betel Nut" and “Betel Leaf”

Leonotis leonurus ~ “Wild Dagga”

Sceletium tortuosum ~ “Kanna”

Piper methysticum ~ “Kava Kava”


Camellia sinensis ~ “Tea”

Humulus lupulus ~ “Hops”

Theobroma cacao ~ “Cacao”or “Cocoa” or “Chocolate”

Ilex Paraguariensis ~ “Yerba Mate”

Ephedra spp. ~ “Ma Huang”

Lactuca virosa ~ “Wild Lettuce Opium”

Scutellaria lateriflora ~ “Skullcap”

Pausinystalia yohimbe ~ “Yohimbe”

Artemisia absinthium ~ “Wormwood”

Aspalathus linearis ~ “Rooibos”

Leonurus sibiricus ~ “Motherwort”

Canavalia maritima

Sida acuta

Zornia latifolia

Verbascum blattaria ~ "Moth Mullein"

Lobelia inflata ~ "Indian Tobacco"



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"Cielo" Caapi


Psychotria (viridis?) Help me out?


A few strains of different Salvia-


A "Kava Kava" Piper methysticum plant!




"Elephant Tree"-


'Baccy Plot-


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Trichocereus pics-

"True" Trichocereus peruvianus-

1) from Matucana, seed grown, via S.S.



2) from B.B.B.



3) "Serra Blue" from S.S.


and after being topped-


More Trichocereus-

Unknown (?)


Trichocereus huanucoensis from S.S.


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sure, thanks.

More Trichocereus-

Trichocereus pachanoi ~ collected by Myron Kimnach near Cajamarca, Peru



Seed grown "Macrogonus"



Trichocereus riomizquensis


Trichocereus pachanoi "Torres & Torres"


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Even more Trichocereus-

Trichocereus hybrid


Trichocereus pachanoi "B.B.G. 64.0762"




Trichocereus peruvianus "Luther Burbank" from S.S.


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I am not sure whay the purpose of this thread is, but I think it is misguided. I'll close it for the moment until I can sort this out with teotz.

This 'trash' forum is not for starting threads in and the content above belongs into other forums - where appropriate.

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