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Passiflora edulis


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a dose of passiflora as a sedative would be a few grams........i beleive an ext of a kg or so would contain many normal doses of sedative......so one thing is its extreemly sedative!

it also seems to have resins and other unwanted things that really add up if you ext a kg.

t s t .

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teljkon,that link wont load for me so i can comment on it.

the original work i know of was at hyperreal by gracie and zarkov,a bit hard to find now but is at erowid.


a quick look says.....

The passion flower was the least desirable potentiator. (Probably due to low harmine content in proportion to the total beta-carboline content.) The amount required for effective tryptamine potentiation left us foggy and somewhat sick. Furthermore, the MAO effects lingered for two to three days. The caapi's effects were, again, in between.

hope that helps sort things 4 u.....

t s t .

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sorry,,but that seems a really fuzzy post......almost dont know what to say......

sedation is a psychoactivity

different harmala alkaloids have varying effects

some seem very stimulant especially of seratonin

low doses of caapi bark are used as a stimulant

higher doses are more sedative

can be sedative and stimulant simultaneously[nootropic?]

i assume by psychoactivity you mean mao inhibition?this varies among the different harmala alkaloids,some being better than others[never seen a good write up of this sort of stuff]

the full psychoactive effects of harmala alkaloids alone are very complex,i would guess they are not fully known.

i think the sedation of passiflora is mainly from other components of the plant,not harmala alkaloids,though they may well increase the sedation.

as far as i know people who have used passiflora recommend it only for regular herbal use,a tea of a t sp or 2,i know no one who recommends it as a mao inhibitor.

hope that may help

t s t .

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I gave my son Passiflora tincture from a 'naturopath' to help him sleep. He started stuttering for the first time, it was scary. As soon as I took him off it, he stopped. I've read it causes temporary mental problems. My suggestion is admire the flower, they're so intricate, and deeply inhale the perfume for several minutes. If that doesn't calm you down and lift your spirits, pick another flower and try again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Coz the flowers are hard to come by commercially, there aren't too many reports, but all that I have seen have been positive. I would speculate that is due to higher flavonoid content than with the foliage, and also note that oral activity may not be too great. Another point to consider is that foliage tea is absolutely foul, presumably due to the tannin content. The usual nasty to be avoided with Passiflora is cyanide which, however, shouldn't be a problem with naturally dried material consumed in sane amounts. That concern may be eliminated by boiling up an acidic extract, but the downside there is that this would probably leave behind most of the flavonoids, if these are indeed responsible for most of the chill-out effect. Syrian Rue (harmala) taken by itself, on the other hand, is sort of a combination of hallucenogenic, nauseating and sedating.

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ok intresting the tea may not be the best way to go. I think that maybe the gap is in the best way to consume the plant as well.? I think there needs to be more experimentation with just flowers!

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i think teo was doing study into the toxicity of passiflora and lotus sp? teo?

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Intresting Ill have to check that out in more depth thanks for the tipe TST. Jezz and opium substitute would stink, hate to come across that. Do you rember where you found this info all the google searches Ive made turned up very little ethnobotanical information.

Beyond the comman name "love in a mist" being used for another flower with a diffrent name as well? Or could it be the same flower miss labled, they did look very similar?

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John:Did you manage to get a cutting from the vine in Calwell?

Was it incarnata?

To bring everyone else up to speed ;-), My partner at the time and I rented a place with a massive vine and we used to roll joints from the leaves.

In retrospect the effects,though mild in comparison were close to a rue dose,or a low dose of fast acting benzo's.

Never had any toxic effects with 1-3 joints shared...I can remeber we both giggled a fair bit the first time and were a little foggy in thoughts.I did try to clone it before I moved but had zero strikes <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_huh.png

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Here's a nice summary of psychoactivity and toxicity of various Passiflora sp.: http://klemow.wilkes.edu/Passiflora.html

Medical Attributes of Passiflora sp. - Passionflower

by Stephen Bortz

Wilkes University

Wilkes-Barre, PA

July, 2001

The genus Passiflora, known commonly as the passionflower, consists as vines belonging to the passionflower family (Passifloraceae). These flowers are found in warmer areas, mostly tropics, throughout the world. Passionflower extracts have been classified into several categories of chemical activity: anxiolytic, spasmolytic, hypnotic, sedative, narcotic and anodyne (Ozarko 2001), these extracts are part of a treatment that has successfully treated outpatients with adjustment disorder and anxious mood (Bourin 1997).

Passiflora quadrangularris is used by traditional healers for snakebites. Snakebites cause bloodclotting and eventually burst blood vessels around the snakebite, this is known as haemorrhaging (Worldnet 2001). When an extract of the leaves and branches of Passiflora quadrangularis were administered orally either before or after a venom injection, neutralization of haemorrhage dropped below 25% in mice (Otero 2000). Passiflora incarnata L. is the most heavily researched member of the genus. Extracts of Passiflora incarnata L. have sedative properties in mice (a decrease in the number of rears and steps climbed in a staircase test, Soulimani 1997); this may explain why passionflower extracts are used extensively as sleep remedies.

Several flavonoids have been isolated from P. incamata L., chrysin and apigenin, (Zanoli 2000) along with orientin, isoorientin, vitexin and isovhexin (Soulimani 1997). The largest accumulations of Passiflora incamata flavonoids were found in the leaves between the pre-flowering and flowering stages of the plant (Menghini 1988). Chrysin and apigenin combined to reduce locomotor ability (Zanoli 2000). Chrysin exhibited an anxiolytic effect, which was showed by an increase in locomotor activity in rats when injected at Img/kg (Zanoli 2000). This effect was linked to GABA benzodiazepine receptors in the brain because the anxiolytic effect was blocked by an injection of Flumazenil, which is a benzodiazepine antagonist (Zanoli 2000). Chrysin and apigenin have been shown to inhibit the growth of breast carcinoma cells (Yin 2001), human thyroid cancer cells (Yin 1999), and human prostate tumors (Knowles 2000). Apigenin is considered antimutagenic because it reduced the effects ofmutagens in rats (Nakasugi 2000). Flavonoids exhibit significant hormone activity (Zand 2000); apigenin and luteolin (another flavonoid) were found to be more effective at preventing pregnancy than ethinyl estradiol (Hiremath 2000), which is found in the commonly prescribed oral contraceptives: Ortho-Novum, Medicon and LO/OVRAL (Anonymous 2001). Apigenin and luteolin were found to be toxic against the methicillin-resistant bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus (Sato 2000).

Extracts of the aerial parts of Passiflora incamata L. contain the beta-carbolines: harman, hamun, hannalin, harmol, and harmalol, along with an aroma compound, maltol (Soulimani 1997). Beta-carbolines, like those of Passiflora incamata L., induce voluntary ethanol intake in rats (Baum 1996). Some people may be interested in the fact that harman has been identified in beer, wine (Bosin 1988) and cigarette smoke (Totsuka 1999). Beta-carbolines have been found to prevent neuron damage to the brain mitochondria of dopamine-induced mice by acting as an antioxidant and scavenging hydroxyl radicals (Lee 2000). Harman acts as a vasorelaxant (something that reduces inflammation or edema), it functions by releasing GABA, serotonin and noradrenaline (Dolzhenko 1987). Harman and related compounds are mutagenic and become more mutagenic after nitrosarion occurs in the acidic conditions of the stomach (Lin 1986).

Maltol, an aromatic compound, has antioxidant properties shown when inhibiting the oxidation of hexanal by 84% (Lee 2000). Maltol was also shown to be responsible for the development of dialysis-related diseases in patients with renal dysfunction and may play a role in the development of certain neurodegenerative disorders (van Ginkel 1993). Maltol was shown to be a strong enhancer of aluminum accumulation in rat brain and blood (van Ginkel 1993).

Shatfocide, which is a glycoside of apigenin, was isolated from Passiflora incamata L. (Li 1991); experiments done with wheat sprouts extract suggest that shaftocide is responsible for the antimutagenic properties of the extract (Peyrt 1992). Passiflora morifolia extracts contain the cyanohydrin glycoside, linamarin (Jaroszewski 1996). Linamarin causes an increase of lactic acid and total cholesterol in the liver and brain in addition to the depletion of brain phospholipids in rabbits (Padmaja 1989).

Several monoterpenoid compounds (compounds with 10 carbons) have been isolated from Passiflora quadrangularis (Osorio 2001); some dietary monoterpenes have proven chemopreventive activity against rat mammary cancer (Crowell 1997).

4-Hydroxy-2-cyclopentenone is responsible for the anti-bacterial activity of an extract of leaves from Passiflora tetrandra against the bacteria: Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, during the course of this experiment. Perry (1991) also found that 4-hydroxy-2-cyclopentenone was cytotoxic to leukemia cells.

Along with all of these therapeutic uses of passionflower extracts comes some negative side effects and properties just recently reported. Passiflora alata can induce occupational allergic disease in humans (Giavina-Bianchi 1997). A 34-year old woman experienced severe nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, prolonged QTc and episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia following self-administration of a herbal remedy, Passiflora incarnata, at therapeutic doses. The woman required hospital admission for cardiac monitoring and intravenous fluid therapy (Fisher 2000). Five patients were admitted to a hospital with altered consciousness after taking the herbal product, Relaxir, produced mainly from the fruit pulp of Passiflora incarnata L. (Solbakken 1997).


Anonymous. 2001. Norethidrone and Ethinyl Estradiol - Rx List Monographs. http://www.Rxlist.com/cgi/generic/norestoc.html.

Baum, S.S., R. Hill, & H. Rommelspacher. 1996. Harman-induced changes of extracellular concentrations of neurotransmitters in the nucleus accumbens of rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 314(1-2); 75-82.

Broutin, M.,T. Bugerol, B. Guitton, & E. Broutin. 1997. A combination of plant extracts in the treatment of outpatients with adjustment disorder with anxious mood: controlled study versus placebo. Fundam. Clinical Pharmacology 11(2): 127-132.

Bosin, T.R., & K.F- Faull. 1988. Harman in alcoholic beverages: pharmacological and lexicological implications. Alcohol Clinical Experimental Research 12(5): 679-682.

Crowell, P.L.. 1997. Monoterpenes in breast cancer chemoprevention. Breast Cancer Research Treatments. 46 (2-3): 191-197.

Dolzhenko, A.T. & I.V. Komissarov. 1987. Characteristics of the presynaptic action of barman and its derivatives compared to benzodiazepine tranquilizers. Farmakol Toksikol 50(2): 13-16.

Fisher A.A., P. Purcell, D.G. Le Couteur. 2000. Toxicity of Passiflora incarnata L.. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 38(1):63-66

Giavina-Bianchi, P.F. Jr., F.F. Castro, M.L. Machado, A.J. Duarte. 1997. Occupational respiratory allergic disease induced by Passiflora alata and Rhamnus purshiana. Ann Allergy Asthma Inununol 79(5):449-454

Hiremath, S.P., S. Badami, S.K. Hunasagatta, & S.B. Patil. 2000. Antifertility and hormonal properties of flavones of Striga orobanchioides. European Journal of Pharmacology 391(1-2): 193-197.

Jaroszewski, J.W., A.B. Rasmussen, H.B. Rasmussen, C.E. Olson, & L.B. Jorgensen. 1996. Biosynthesis of cyanohydrin glucosides from unnatural nitriles in intact Passiflora morifolia and Tunera angustifolia. Phytochemistry 42(3); 649-654.

Knowles, L.M., D.A Zigrossi, R.A. Tauber, C. Hightower, & J.A. Milner. 2000. Flavonoids suppress androgen-independant human prostate tumor proliferation. Nutr Cancer 38(1): 116-122.

Lee, C.S., E.S. Han, Y.Y. Jang, J.H. Han, H.W. Ha, & D.E. Kirn. 2000. Protective effect ofharmalol and hannaline on MPTP neurotoxicity in the mouse and dopamine-induced damage of brain mitochondria and PC12 cells. Journal ofNeurochemistry 75(2): 521-531.

Lee, K.G., & T. Shibamoto. 2000. Antioxidant properties of aroma compounds isolated from soybeans and mung beans. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 48(9): 4290-4293.

Li, Q.M., H. Van den Heuvel, 0. Delorenzo, J. Corthout, L.A. Pieters, AJ. Vlietinck, & M. Claeys. 1991. Mass spectral characterization of C-glycosidic flavonoids isolated from medicinal plant (Passiflora incarnata). Journal of Chromotography 562(1-2): 435-446.

Lin, J.K.. 1986. Food-borne amine and amides as potential precursors of endogenous carcinogens. Proc. National Science Council Of the Republic of China B 10(1): 20-34.

Menghini, A. & L.A. Mancini. 1988. TLC Determination of flavonoid accumulation in clonal populations of Passiflora incarnata L.. Pharmacol Res Comm 5:113-115

Nagasugi, T., M. Nakashima, & K. Komai. 2000. Antimutagens in gaiyou (Artemisia argyi levl. et vant.). Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 48(8): 3256-3266.

Otero R., V. Nunez, J. Barona, R. Fonnegra, S.L. Jimenez, R.G. Osorio, M. Saldarriaga, & A- Diaz. 2000. Sankebites and ethnobotany in the northwest region of Columbia. Part in: neutralization of the haemorrhagic effect of Bothrops atrox venom. Ethnophannacology 73(1-2):233-241

Ozarko,G. 2001. Passiflora. http://www.ion.com.au/~iridology/Passiflora.html

Padmaja G. & K.R. Panikkar. 1989. Intermediary metabolic changes in rabbits administered linamarin or potassium cyanide. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 27(7): 635-639.

Perry, N.B., G.D. Albertson, J.W. Blunt, A.L Cole, M.H. Munro, J.R. Walker. 1991.4-hydroxy-2-cylcopentenone: an anti-Pseudomonas and cytotoxic compound from Passiflora tetrandra. Planta Med 57(2):129-131

Peyrt, B., T. Szymczyk, P. Lesca. 1992. Mechanism of antimutagenicity of wheat sprout extracts. Mutat Res 269(2):201-215

Sato, Y., S. Suzaki, T. NTishikawa, M. Kihara, H. Shibata, & T. Higuti. 2000. Phytochemical flavones isolated from Scutellaria barbata and antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus caireus. Journal of Ethnophannacology 72(3): 483-488.

Shi, C.C., S.Y. Chen, G.J. Wang, J.F. Liao, & C.F. Chen. 2000. Vasorelaxant effect of harman. European Journal of Pharmacology 390(3). 319-325.

Solbakken, A.M., G. Rorbakken, T. Gundersen. 1997. Nature medicine as intoxicant. TidsskrNor Laegeforen 117(8): 1140-1141

Soulimani R, C. Younos, S. Jannouni, D. Bousta, R. Misslin, F. Mortier. 1997. Behavioural effects of Passiflora incaranata L. and its indole alkaloid and flavonoid derivatives and maltol in the mouse. Ethnophannacology 57(1): 11-20

Totsuka, Y., H. Ushiyama, J. Ishihara, R. Sinha, S. Goto, T. Sugimara, & K. Wakabayashi. 1999. Quantification of the co-mutagenic beta-carbolines, nonharman and hrman, in cigarette smoke condensates and cooked foods. Cancer Letter 143(2): 139-143.

Van Ginkel, M.F., G.B. van der Voet, P.C. DTiaese, M.E. De Broe, & F.A de Wolff. 1993. Effect of citric acid and maltol on the accumulation of aluminum in rat brain and bone. Journal of Laboratory Clinical Medicine 121(3): 453-460.

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Yin, F., A.E. Giuliano, A.J Van Hearle. 1999. Growth inhibitory effects of flavonoids in human thyroid cancer cell lines. Thyroid 9(4):369-376

Yin, F., A.E. Giuliano, RE. Law, A.J. Van Herie. 2001. Apigenin inhibits growth and induces G2/M arrest by modulating cyclin-CDK regulators and ERK MAP kinase activation in breast carcinoma cells. Anticancer Res 21(1A):413-420

Zand, R.S., D.J. Jenkins, & E.P. Diamandis. 2000. Steroid hormone activity of flavonoids and related compounds. Breast Cancer Research Treatments 62(1): 35-49.

Zanoli, P., R. Avallone, M. Baraldi. 2000. Behavioural characterization of the flavonoids apigenin and chrysin. Fitotreapia 71 Suppl. 1:S117-S123


This paper was developed as part of the BIO 368 - Medical Botany course offered at Wilkes University during the summer of 2001. Course instructor was Kenneth M. Klemow, Ph.D. ([email protected]). The information contained herein is based on published sources, and is made available for academic purposes only. No warrantees, expressed or implied, are made about the medical usefulness or dangers associated with the plant species in question.

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This page posted and maintained by Kenneth M. Klemow, Ph.D., Biology Department, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766. (570) 408-4758, [email protected].

Hope that helps.

EDIT: Oh, and the GABA-ergic effects of the above mentioned flavonoids certainly support mescalitos experiences, as well.

Edited by FM.
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its good to know that the flavinoids are best between the pre flowering and flowering stage. Of cours my instant question is am i reading this right that its only stating this for incamata.

Looks like passion flower is a mixed bag so to speak depending on what kind your growing wish there were some more peps in the states growing it ethno botanically we could trade some foliage and compare effects.

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