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The Corroboree

Cola acuminata


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I am soooo happpy. I received 2 fresh Cola acuminata seeds on my birthday. They were still soft and squishy and I expect they will be viable. These buggers would be very difficult to import because in the dry they die in a week or two and in a refrigerated transport they undergo an exothermic reaction in the embryo which kills it. So getting these was very special indeed <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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He won't tell you he's shy... but it was Friday. Normally I don't let him get away with it but I was out of town https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d

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i never heard of anyone having a cola tree, same as with gurana...

i guess this tree would be ony happy in the warmest parts of australia and would benefit from irrigation once the monsunal rains fade.

somebody must love you a lot, torsten, i am happy for you (visualizes your inner child smile, when you saw them first).


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Cool another reason to party tonight :D

Happy Birthday Mr T. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Thanks guys!! It's was a very low key thing. Just dinner with daniel the night before cos we both had to work on friday.

We certainly plan to propagate this one asap. It takes from cuttings, so all we need is one. Realistically, even if all goes well it will be at least 2-3 years before these can be offered in the store. however we should know within 12 months if and when that will be.

It's been a great week for new seeds and stuff. We have some very special people on these forums!

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Is this another name for Gotu Kola aka

Hydrocotyle asiatica? Or am I mixing things up, if I am, tell me .. what's the difference ?

congrats with your new seeds, you lucky bastard. Happy b-day !

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ummm, no. It is one half of coca cola. A very high caffeine plant. Botanical name was given in the title.

[ 23. May 2005, 17:30: Message edited by: Torsten ]

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my mum said we used to have one ov these trees growing next to the front fence in Mbanza-Ngungu, apparently when the nuts were ripe, the tree became quite a focus ov local society. folks passing by would stop, gather a few nuts, & have a chat---sometimes a fair crowd could develop.

i've tried using the dried nut in the UK.

i found it easy enough to chew on, once the nut had been broken up abit, but hardly noticed any effects from them.

---edit--oops, yeah, Happy belated Birthday T.

[ 23. May 2005, 22:29: Message edited by: nabraxas ]

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this tree takes years b4 it produces seed doesnt it?

hypothetically, with it being illegal, could u grow this tree and grow some erythoxilum sp to create coca cola- the real, real thing?

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no, it could be any other Cola sp, but I believe most species are used interchangably and many species are actually synonyms of each other.

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  • 2 years later...

old post but i couldn't resist to show what i found yesterday at the market !

I find amusing to see where the Coca-cola's stripe comes from, it is very apparent on the white nut.

I found it way better than dried nuts especialy when drinking water in the same time.

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Good questions.

I do not know if the differents colors are different varieties or if it happens because of cultural conditions.

The white ones have a lighter taste sometimes with hints of walnuts, the red have a deeper aroma...difficult to explain, complex and unique. I enjoy both but i tend to prefer the red (not that it is better or anything, just personal taste).

On the pictures, all nuts are fresh, dried nuts are very hard and difficult to chew.

When fresh, it's like chewing a piece of carrot with lots of tannins but it is way less astringent than betel.

The aftertaste in the mouth is wonderful and my favorite part.

After a cut or a bite, the soft flesh of the nut turn red, brown or orange.

I am doubtful about the viability of those imported nuts, i am however trying to germinate some.

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Hi Mauve! Cola Nuts are cool! I once had some viable cola nuts and they looked exactly like the red ones! I never saw white ones! Its possible that yours are viable too! They look like they still have a lot of humidity! bye Eg

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They HAVE to be viable...because now that i am totally addicted to Cola nuts, i NEED a Cola tree

In some months, i will "maybe" receive some fresh nuts from Cameroun...maybe

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  • 4 weeks later...

So my friend went back from Cameroon with fresh nuts in his backpack, the nuts were kept fresh and humid in a plastic bag. Cabin luggage of course.

It went in an incubator, 90° humidity and 25-30° celsius...

Two weeks after it seems to be germinating...i don't want to have too much expectations but it is realy looking good:

You can notice the two nuts on the foreground, one yellow and one red, those are the two nuts i bough on the market...and they seems to be opening as well!

But it looks like a slloooowww process...will it survive ?

I am cleaning the nuts everyday for clearing molds etc.

The nuts from Cameroon differs from the other nuts, they seems to have 4 cotyledons but i am not so sure if they really have 4 cotyledons or if they just have two "ribbed" cotyledons that looks like 4 hu

The taste and effect is similar to the white nuts i had before...

I keep fingers crossed.

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